im sweepy..
As early as now, I've been thinking of my Christmas celebration.
What will I prepare? I hope by that time- I have enough recipes to back me up in the kitchen,or that a yummy Vegan restuarant can provide for an in-house catering. I have to google on that as early as October :)

Anyway, my boyfriend has been very supportive of this lifestyle change.I will post another entry on how to win support from the people closest to you.
But for now, I want everyone to know that there are more fast-food chains that offer several salads on their menu. The downside is that dressings and other add ons (cheese) can have these salads into calorie and fat gram overload. So stick to RAW diet and tell the server that you only want the greens, tomatoes, cucumber etc.

Where do I get my salad? Well, there's KFC, Shakeys, sbarro, Kenny Rogers..
What else? Add on the comment section so that I can make a master list for everybody :)
im sweepy..
I woke up refreshed and energized.
When I was watching the documentaries of other Raw foodist, I was thinking that they must have been nuts for having that amount of energy despite their limited greens and fruits diet.

Now, I'm attesting to their experiences.
I do feel more energized. I am happier. My mind is clearer.
I feel lighter.

You don't need years to feel the great benefits of shifting to a RAW lifestyle, in a matter of days you will see and feel the changes.

I have lesser acne too, mine wasn't that bad but because of my hormonal imbalance-I tend to have occasional breakouts. The ouchy ones.
Now, my face is clearer :)

Yahooo to RAWNESS!
im sweepy..
Exercise was considered a blah for almost 4 years. 
I used to be a gym addict but I stopped right after I graduated from college (I was transitioning to my work environment). I did try to sign up for a membership with fitness first, but I just couldn't commit my time.

To make my story short, I ballooned.

Another intervention came from my ever-reliable bestfriend Y, who gave me access to a membership in Golds gym. Initially it was refreshing but after a month, I got bored. 
I felt so heavy  and bored. The treadmill was boring, I also I felt bored riding on a bike-pedaling my calves for an hour. And so I stopped.

Now, Im doing Raw, I feel a tiny bit lighter than my day 1... and I have more energy too.
Not the usual sluggish self that would wake up past noon.

I told my boyfriend J that I would like to go Jog at the fort. 
I would prefer to jog around 8pm. 
And I would like the company of. . .

Georgina aka Piggy

Borris aka Gwapito Boarito

Alexie aka Super Kulit!!!

Kimmie aka 'Ate'

Jogging with them will be fun and chaotic. So, I encourage everyone to find which 'exercise' suits you. Do you like to dance?  To swim? To run? or to join pilates/yoga classes.

What's important is you get to move around..and sweat.
im sweepy..
On my 3rd day of Rawness!

3rd Day-whoah! I actually thought I'll just last til day 1.
It all depends on your mindset and the focus to just stick with Raw food.
Preparing raw food won't take much of your time (believe me), just have a handy blender and a pantry full of assorted veggies and fruits.

Going back to Day 1, well it  was definitely challenging because the cravings was just too tempting. I live 5mins away from Mcdonalds and a chickenburger would have made me do cartwheels... but I had to really think and visualize the tremendous happiness I'll feel once I get healthy and have my old shape back. 
I was focused on my goal so eventually the "having my old shape back" won against Mcdonalds! 
Yahooo to Mind Power!
What I was fighting against was NOT hunger (because I ate a lot of veggies and fruits) it was the cravings and my preference (preference to grab a bottle of coke, to eat pizza, to get pasta..)

At 10pm, I found myself thinking too much of the canned tuna (haha) on the kitchen cupboard so I decided to sleep it over..and just shut up  rest my nagging mind who was pushing me to cheat this commitment I made to go Raw.

Day 2: I woke up early and energized. I found this very ironic because I slept with my tummy looking for "food" but woke up with a clearer mind and a happier disposition. Day 2 was easier, I went to the market and bought more fruits.
I also went to the mall with my boyfriend and while he was having pork and rice.. I was eating my fruits and coconut (with coconut juice). To be honest, eating fruits in front of J who was happily feasting on his full pork and rice meal was not fun, but again I had to stick with the objective.I'm sure I'll have more fun once I get to wear those dresses and skinny jeans that I have in mind.

Today is Day 3 and I am energized and happy. 
I don't feel as heavy as Day 1. I can move more without the usual huffs and puffs (shortness of breath). I prepare my food faster and I just snack on apples and bananas-not as yummy but again Mind Set. I think I'll be fine today.

I have been tweaking my brain to prefer raw food (the mind can go to far lengths if you just condition it), and I know I can do this. When the going gets tough, really take time to think of your priorities and how far you have gone so as not to turn back. Think hard of all the frustrations you felt because of your PCOS and the symptoms that goes with it. This early, let your mind help and guide you. Think hard.
im sweepy..
I have been contemplating about this huge leap for almost a month..every time I watch their videos, I feel positive that this can be done.

And so,  I took a leap.
Got myself this..

and mucho...


Day by day, I'll be sharing my experience in this shift to a Raw lifestyle. I'll track my weight too. For those who wants to 'partner' with me in this Rawness.. just let me know :)
Let the fight against PCOS begin :)
im sweepy..
I don't usually go for annual checkUps, wherein one spend almost their entire day for blood extractions.
I only have my "hospital visit" whenever there is a predetermined need.

The scare came from this nagging discomfort from my boobie. I have been bothered for almost a week because of the sensitivity on my left breast. My sister is a doctor, and though she didn't feel any lump when she did a manual checkUp, she told me to go to the hospital to have an ultrasound.

On my way to my OB (I need her request for a lab test to use my HMO card), I have been contemplating the outcomes of this exam. Big Scare comes from my family history wherein 2 of my aunts passed away because of breast cancer. And since I took OCP (pcos related) for almost 2 years-without being told of the C scare that might go with it... I am more paranoid than ever.

OB gave me a request for ultrasound together with 4 other lab test related to my PCOS (ultrasound, prolactin, thyroid, glucose test..etc).

The ultrasound wasn't painful at all, just the cold gel they put on your boobie breast. They also don't press hard (I thought they press it hard) and they cover the whole area-even on the sides.

My Result: Normal.

Huge sigh of relief!! I was a happy Sweepy. I even celebrated by treating my folks for a great dinner!

Realization set in: I have to take control of my health, though I know we don't have a complete grasp of 'life' and its uncertainties, I feel (and see) that I should make myself healthier-I owe that to myself and to the people closest to me.. I have been accepting the 'weight gain' for years--and it has changed me drastically (physically, emotionally, financially and mentally). This is a wake up call to be PREVENTIVE than Reactive. I should start now.

And so this blog was born.
im sweepy..
Three years ago, I asked Wiki what is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome? The response was: answer

I was diagnosed when I was 23 years old--I was totally clueless when my previous OB formally concluded that I have PCOS.

As soon as I arrived home, I googled what the heck does this syndrome mean .. and most of what I read online scared me. Obesity + Not ovulating + Infertility + Excess Androgen. + Scary Etc stuff.  When I saw women support groups, I realized that this is a real issue. I cried and got depressed because of a diagnosis that I half-understood. 

I was crying because of how scary it sounded. I was scared of the Infertility word.
I was scared because nobody knew about it--nobody from my immediate family and friends knew much about it and I felt that it was just me explaining to people what it is. 
It was just me.

Depression set in.. took prescribed OCP.. ballooned gained weight.. got frustrated.. was numb.. eventually I stopped putting an effort on it.. I was just floating.

Until now.

I wonder how you took it...
im sweepy..
First Entry. Wow. First Step.
I have been attempting to start this blog for the longest time, but I never really had the push shove to sit down and start writing typing.

First, thank you for finding time to visit my blog-this serves as a Shrink to me as I write down my highs and lows, my experiments, my roadblocks and my "natural high" moments.
I hope this blog also serves as a shrink for everyone too. That in some areas, I do understand the crap you have been going through..and the whirlwind of emotions that goes with it.

To start off, let me share light on myself. Just 3 things. And the rest, Im sure you will get to know more of me as I spill my guts in this Webby world.

* I'm Sweepy, I just hit my 26th year.

* I have polycystic ovarian syndrome (pcos) -was diagnosed 3 years ago. I went through phases of emotions.. from confusion (why the hell do I have it), to frustrations (what else can I do) to numbness (I don't care).
Then I had a "scare" checkUp 3 days ago, I had a 3-minute talk with an OB Sonologist (while having an ultrasound). And it finally hit me that I have to do something about this. I shouldn't just try. I should make it happen.

* I'm not a writer by profession. But I could recall that writing was my hobby when I was a kid. Writing my own "books" and writing on my journals. I won't be particular with my words-I just want everything raw and uneditted. Emotions fresh and sincere. Just like 'talking' to a friend.

Today is the Start.. it definitely won't be easy.
But we're talking about my health.. my that definitely makes the ohh so difficult times worth it.