On my 3rd day of Rawness!
3rd Day-whoah! I actually thought I'll just last til day 1.
It all depends on your mindset and the focus to just stick with Raw food.
Preparing raw food won't take much of your time (believe me), just have a handy blender and a pantry full of assorted veggies and fruits.
Going back to Day 1, well it was definitely challenging because the cravings was just too tempting. I live 5mins away from Mcdonalds and a chickenburger would have made me do cartwheels... but I had to really think and visualize the tremendous happiness I'll feel once I get healthy and have my old shape back.
3rd Day-whoah! I actually thought I'll just last til day 1.
It all depends on your mindset and the focus to just stick with Raw food.
Preparing raw food won't take much of your time (believe me), just have a handy blender and a pantry full of assorted veggies and fruits.
Going back to Day 1, well it was definitely challenging because the cravings was just too tempting. I live 5mins away from Mcdonalds and a chickenburger would have made me do cartwheels... but I had to really think and visualize the tremendous happiness I'll feel once I get healthy and have my old shape back.
I was focused on my goal so eventually the "having my old shape back" won against Mcdonalds!
Yahooo to Mind Power!
What I was fighting against was NOT hunger (because I ate a lot of veggies and fruits) it was the cravings and my preference (preference to grab a bottle of coke, to eat pizza, to get pasta..)
At 10pm, I found myself thinking too much of the canned tuna (haha) on the kitchen cupboard so I decided to sleep it over..and just shut up rest my nagging mind who was pushing me to cheat this commitment I made to go Raw.
Day 2: I woke up early and energized. I found this very ironic because I slept with my tummy looking for "food" but woke up with a clearer mind and a happier disposition. Day 2 was easier, I went to the market and bought more fruits.
I also went to the mall with my boyfriend and while he was having pork and rice.. I was eating my fruits and coconut (with coconut juice). To be honest, eating fruits in front of J who was happily feasting on his full pork and rice meal was not fun, but again I had to stick with the objective.I'm sure I'll have more fun once I get to wear those dresses and skinny jeans that I have in mind.
I also went to the mall with my boyfriend and while he was having pork and rice.. I was eating my fruits and coconut (with coconut juice). To be honest, eating fruits in front of J who was happily feasting on his full pork and rice meal was not fun, but again I had to stick with the objective.I'm sure I'll have more fun once I get to wear those dresses and skinny jeans that I have in mind.
Today is Day 3 and I am energized and happy.
I don't feel as heavy as Day 1. I can move more without the usual huffs and puffs (shortness of breath). I prepare my food faster and I just snack on apples and bananas-not as yummy but again Mind Set. I think I'll be fine today.
I don't feel as heavy as Day 1. I can move more without the usual huffs and puffs (shortness of breath). I prepare my food faster and I just snack on apples and bananas-not as yummy but again Mind Set. I think I'll be fine today.
I have been tweaking my brain to prefer raw food (the mind can go to far lengths if you just condition it), and I know I can do this. When the going gets tough, really take time to think of your priorities and how far you have gone so as not to turn back. Think hard of all the frustrations you felt because of your PCOS and the symptoms that goes with it. This early, let your mind help and guide you. Think hard.
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